Generate Key For Datbase Access Firebase Rating: 7,1/10 6105 votes

The Firebase Database Unity Sample demonstratesFirebase Realtime Databasewith theFirebase Unity SDKinside the Unity Editor.

  1. Visual Basic Database Access
  2. Generate Key For Database Access Firebase Download
  3. Firebase Database Examples
  4. Firebase Realtime Database Api


Sep 16, 2016  That’s because Firebase/Python grants access to a real-time database. A cohesive, cross-platform product that uses Google Cloud to synchronize data across all clients sharing the same database. But before you can get started, you’ll need an overview of how to integrate Firebase into your Python app.

  • Unity 5.3 or higher.
  • Xcode 10.3 or higher(when developing for iOS).
  • Android SDK(when developing for Android).
  • Oct 20, 2019  Google Firebase is a realtime database. It manages the database operations in the realtime. Basically, it is a NoSQL database that stores data in the JSON format. The JSON data is a combination of key/value pairs. So, there is no restriction to store data in the Firebase.
  • Firebase is an all-in-one backend as a service provider (BaaS) that provides database, authentication, cloud storage among their many services. In this tutorial you're going to learn how to use Firebase Real Time Database service in React application.

Running the Sample inside the Editor

  • Download theFirebase Unity SDKand unzip it somewhere convenient.
  • Open the sample project in the Unity editor.
    • Select the File > Open Project menu item.
    • If Unity Hub appears, click Add. Otherwise click Open.
    • Navigate to the sample directory testapp in the file dialog and clickOpen.Click Open.
      • You might be prompted to upgrade the project to your version of Unity.Click Confirm to upgrade the project and continue.
  • Open the scene MainScene.
    • Navigate to Assets/Firebase/Sample/Database in the Projectwindow.
    • Double click on the MainScene file to open it.
  • Import the Firebase Database plugin.
    • Select the Assets > Import Package > Custom Package menu item.
    • From the Firebase Unity SDKdownloaded previously, import FirebaseDatabase.unitypackage from thedirectory that matches the version of Unity you use:
      • Unity 5.x and earlier use the .NET 3.x framework, so you need toimport the dotnet3/FirebaseDatabase.unitypackage package .
      • Unity 2017.x and newer allow the use of the .NET 4.x framework. Ifyour project is configured to use .NET 4.x, import thedotnet4/FirebaseDatabase.unitypackage package.
    • When the Import Unity Package window appears, click the Importbutton.
  • Turn off secure access. Configure your rules for public access.
  • Change the line SetEditorDatabaseUrl('');to replace replace-with-your-project with the id found in thefirebase console.

Once you have done this, you can run the Unity Editor and test the application.You will be able to enter an email, a score, and press Add Score to see theleaderboard update.

Visual Basic Database Access

  • The Score field accepts a numeric score that will be added to theleaderboard.
  • The Add Score button only appears once an email is entered. It uses aFirebase Database transaction to record the score if it falls within thecurrent top 5 all time scores.

Once you are ready to secure your database, you can configure your rules withprivate or user access and still access the database within the editor withoutlogging in. To do this, you will need to create a service account and registerit with Firebase by following the steps in the unity getting starteddocumentation.

Building the Sample for Devices


  • Register your iOS app with Firebase.
    • Create a project in theFirebase console,and associate your iOS application.
      • You should use as theiOS bundle ID when creating the Firebase iOS app in the console.
        • If you do not use the prescribed Bundle ID, you will later need toupdate the bundle identifier in Unity as described inOptional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier below.
  • Add the GoogleService-Info.plist file to the project.
    • Navigate to the Assets/Firebase/Sample/Database folder in theProject window.
    • Drag the GoogleService-Info.plist downloaded from the Firebase consoleinto the folder.
      • NOTE: GoogleService-Info.plist can be placed anywhere under theAssets folder. - Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier
    • Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier
    • If you did not use as theiOS bundle ID when creating your app in the Firebase Console then you willneed to update the sample's Bundle.
      • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
      • Select iOS in the Platform list.
      • Click Player Settings.
      • In the Settings for iOS panel scroll down to Bundle Identifierand update the value to the iOS bundle ID you provided when youregistered your app with Firebase.
  • Build for iOS
    • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
    • Select iOS in the Platform list.
    • Click Switch Platform to select iOS as the target platform.
    • Wait for the spinner (compiling) icon to stop in the bottom right cornerof the Unity status bar.
    • Click Build and Run.


  • Register your Android app with Firebase.
    • Create a project in theFirebase console,and attach your Android app to it.
      • You should use as theAndroid package name while you're testing.
        • If you do not use the prescribed package name, you will need to updatethe bundle identifier as described in theOptional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier below.
      • Android apps must be signed by a key, and the key's signature mustbe registered to your project in the Firebase Console. Togenerate a SHA1,first you will need to set the keystore in the Unity project.
        • Locate the Publishing Settings under Player Settings.
        • Select an existing keystore, or create a new keystore using thetoggle.
        • Select an existing key, or create a new key using 'Create a new key'.
        • After setting the keystore and key, you can generate a SHA1 byrunning this command:
        • Copy the SHA1 digest string into your clipboard.
        • Navigate to your Android App in your firebase console.
          • From the main console view, click on your Android App at the top andclick the gear to open the settings page.
          • Scroll down to your apps at the bottom of the page and click onAdd Fingerprint.
        • Paste the SHA1 digest of your key into the form. The SHA1 boxwill illuminate if the string is valid. If it's not valid, checkthat you have copied the entire SHA1 digest string.
    • Download the google-services.json file associated with yourFirebase project from the console.This file identifies your Android app to the Firebase backend, and willneed to be included in the sample later.
      • For further details please refer to thegeneral instructionswhich describes how to configure a Firebase application for Android.
  • Add the google-services.json file to the project.
    • Navigate to the Assets/Firebase/Sample/Database folder in theProject window.
    • Drag the google-services.json downloaded from the Firebase consoleinto the folder.
      • NOTE: google-services.json can be placed anywhere under the Assetsfolder.
  • Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier
    • If you did not use the Android package name when you created your app in the FirebaseConsole, you will need to update the sample's Bundle Identifier.
      • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
      • Select Android in the Platform list.
      • Click Player Settings
      • In the Settings for Android panel scroll down to Bundle Identifierand update the value to the Android package name you provided when youregistered your app with Firebase.
  • Build for Android
    • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
    • Select Android in the Platform list.
    • Click Switch Platform to select Android as the target platform.
    • Wait for the spinner (compiling) icon to stop in the bottom right cornerof the Unity status bar.
    • Click Build and Run.


  • When upgrading to a new Firebase release: import the new firebaseunity package through Assets > Import Package > Custom Package as above.After the import is complete you may need to run the Assets > PlayServices Resolver for the changes to be reflected in the editor. Ifissues persist, delete the plugin and install it again.
  • Android: After exiting the editor and returning you will need toreconfigure the Project Keystore in Player Settings > PublishingSettings. Select your Custom Keystore from the dropdown list andenter its password. Then, select your Project Key alias and enteryour key's password.enabled in your project, you'll see compile errors from some types in the
  • Please see theKnown Issuessection of theUnity Setup Guide]( for othertroubleshooting topics.



Copyright 2016 Google, Inc.

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributorlicense agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work foradditional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses thisfile to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may notuse this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy ofthe License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUTWARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See theLicense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations underthe License.

Generate Key For Database Access Firebase Download

Do not follow this guide if you are using OneSignal with a website or WordPress blog.

A Google Firebase Server Key is required for all Android mobile apps and Chrome apps & extensions. It is optional for Amazon apps.

What is a Firebase Server Key?

A Firebase Server Key and Firebase Sender ID are required in order to send push notifications to Android mobile app devices.

The goal of this section is to provision your Firebase Server Key and Firebase Sender ID for use in OneSignal. Windows 7 professional 32 bit key generator.


  • An Android mobile app, Chrome app or extension, or an Amazon app. This is not for websites.
  • A Google account
  • A OneSignal Account, if you do not already have one.

Step 1: Create A Firebase Project

If you already have an FCM project you would like to use with OneSignal, you will need to retrieve your Sender ID and Firebase Cloud Messaging token. You may then skip to Step 2.

Visit the Firebase Console and sign in with your Google account.

Click CREATE NEW PROJECT or select an existing one below.

Enter a project name and press CREATE PROJECT.

Step 2: Getting Your Firebase Cloud Messaging Token And Sender ID

Firebase Database Examples

Click the gear icon in the top left and select Project settings.

Select the CLOUD MESSAGING tab.

Save the two values listed under Server key and Sender ID.

Step 3: Configure Your OneSignal App's Android Platform Settings

In the OneSignal dashboard, select your app from the All Apps page, then go to Settings. Under Native App Platforms, click Google Android.

Paste your Firebase Server Key and Firebase Sender ID into the fields and click Save. /windows-8-key-generator-2013-rar.html.

Done! You now have a key to send push notifications from your app. 🥳

Next, install the OneSignal SDK in your app. If you need help, we have a few SDK-specific guides:

What's Next

Firebase Realtime Database Api

Android SDK Setup
Amazon SDK Setup
Chrome Extension SDK Setup
Mobile Push Quickstart