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Chapter 9 Secure Hash-and-Sign Signatures Without the Random Oracle. Chapter 17 New Public Key Cryptosystems Based on the Dependent-RSA Problems. Chapter 21 Secure Distributed Key Generation for Discrete-Log Based Cryptosystems Altmetric Badge. Chapter 22 Efficient Multiparty Computations Secure Against an Adaptive Adversary Altmetric Badge. This is a partial list of recent publications. 'Secure Distributed Key Generation for Discrete-Log Based Cryptosystems.' 'Public-Key Cryptosystems from Lattice Reduction Problems,' Proceedings of Crypto 97, Springer-Verlag LNCS, vol. 1294 (1997) 112-131. /adobe-cc-2015-serial-key-generator-free-download.html. Get this from a library! Advances in cryptology: EUROCRYPT '99: International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2-6, 1999; proceedings. Jacques Stern; - This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques, EUROCRYPT '99, held in Prague. Secure Distributed Key Generation for Discrete-Log Based Cryptosystems. Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, Springer 2007. CGJKR99 Ran Canetti, Rosario Gennaro, Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, and Tal Rabin. Adaptive Security for Threshold Cryptosystems.
- A Distributed Key Generation (DKG) protocol is an essential component of threshold cryptosystems required to initialize the cryptosystem securely and generate its private and public keys. In the case of discrete-log-based (dlog-based) threshold signature schemes (ElGamal and its derivatives), the DKG protocol is further used in the distributed signature generation phase to generate one-time signature randomizers (r = gk).
- We propose a distributed key generation protocol for pairing-based cryptosystems which is adaptively secure in the erasure-free and secure channel model, and at the same time completely avoids the.
Secure Distributed Key Generation For Discrete-log Based Cryptosystems And Signature
Abstract. Distributed key generation is a main component of threshold cryptosystems and distributed cryptographic computing in general. Solutions to the distributed generation of private keys for discrete-log based cryptosystems have been known for several years and used in a variety of protocols and in many research papers. However, these solutions fail to provide the full security required and claimed by these works. We show how an active attacker controlling a small number of parties can bias the values of the generated keys, thus violating basic correctness and secrecy requirements of a key generation protocol. In particular, our attacks point out to the places where the proofs of security fail. Based on these findings we designed a distributed key generation protocol which we present here together with a rigorous proof of security. Our solution, that achieves optimal resiliency, can be used as a drop-in replacement for key generation modules as well as other components of threshold or proactive discrete-log based cryptosystems.